The PBS Frontline documentary, Growing Up Online, is an exploration of the digital world that kids are spending a lot of time in these days. Frontline may tend to put a hard spin issues like this, but this one was SCARY... And I'm not even a parent! If this is not a fair depiction of American youth at present, one can easily imagine it in the near future. Educators take various worthy positions on the form media education should take into schools -- teach about media without technology, teach about media through collaborative production (wink), etc. Whatever position you take, it is clear, evidenced by videos like this, that emerging digital technologies impact kids' identity formation and what it means to be a citizen in our culture, and the it is the responsibility of schools to adapt to that influence one way or another.
- from The Media Spot
1. Watch Growing Up Online
2. Blog Entry for 11/19:
- Write an analysis of "Growing Up Online"
- Possibly Analyzing how advertising is enmeshed and personalized on MySpace
- You could also Investigate the terms target audience, datamining and advergame and make connections to other social networking sites
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